Monday, June 9, 2008

Everybody loves kung fu!ha!

Okay, first things first. I brought my COUSINS not kids. COUSINSSS...




together with my brother--Sidney


Basically, the story goes like Po, the panda wishes and wants to learn kung fu and become some kung fu master / pro. So by luck and by chance he was appointed by the old kung fu master Oogway (乌龟) to be come the Dragon Warrior that defeats the evil Tai Lung aka gray leopard. Leopard right?

Anyways, so the story is about how Po trains and become the destined hero that defeats the bad guy under Master Shifu aka the... mouse? hamster? Lol. And alongside Master Shifu's five other apprentices, the Famous Five: Monkey, Crane, Viper, Mantis and Tigress.

So yeah, that's about it. My own summary leh! No IMDB or Wikipedia or anything man. Haha. (Note: This is the part where you go "waisehh.. / hebatnya! / awesome summary dude! / and other ego-feeding compliments XD)

The movie was superb! Another animated movie up for the Halls of Fame. If there is one.. Anyways, the movie is funny. With a capital F, and UNNY behind it. Haha. It's suitable for all ages as it is just full of laughter. And mind you, not the Scary Movie type of stupid humor. More of the healthy HAHAHA, LOL, ROFL and LMAO type of humor if you get what I mean.

Oh and another things is, the cinema was half-filled with kids. =S You can imagine the amount of unnecessary noise and annoyance and disturbance throughout the movie. But... Can't complain lah. Animated cartoon movie, who else would you expect to watch it? Well, it wasn't just painful to experience that but... Bringing 2 kids along? =S It just adds up to it all. Haiz...

Yeah so, word of advice: Next time you're bringing kids to the movies? Think twice. [=

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