Saturday, June 14, 2008

Because of you

Well, actually, I want to write this blog, just quite busy today. I was chatting with jeanette and telling her how bored i was and she told me to write in my blog. So here goes one of the biggest issues lately..

Cikgu Joey(bm teacher) changed our places. Yes, it is allowed in lodge that non-class teachers do major stuff like changing places, as long as they have the permission of class teacher. Well, the few main ppl she wanted to change and which was 100% agreed by class teacher was..
four of us-me, Serena, Jeanette and Linna -talk too much
Amelia and Vivien-same here
Christopher to make him cause less havoc
Timothy to make him pay attention in class and get caught by teacher when he's not

So in the end, she changed Christopher to Veronica's seat, and Veronica beside him. Then, after many times of changing, she changed Serena to Melvin(a)'s seat, and Melvin(a) to beside Tammy. She also changed Linna with Vivien and last and least....sigh, Timothy to beside me...
Vivien's okay i think, but Timothy, i think all he wants is to copy, but I'm sure I wont and neither will Jeanette. Hopefully he'll improve..sigh.
Cassandra changed with Bryan which makes her beside CK n Zoe beside Bryan.
Oh yeah, I forgot, Cikgu Joey also changed Chiu Mei with Stanley which makes Stanley and Li Hoon and CHIU MEI WITH JOHNATHAN. not meaning anything er-hem.hahahah, just joking, like seriously joking.
I think that's all, if my memory serves me right.
Well, even though she did warn us before hand, we're all quite devastated by the new seating plan. I wonder if...things will change, like friendship among old friends and with new ones too..sigh.
If Cikgu Joey's reading this(which I doubt strongly), I'd hope she'd change our seats back to their original places, which started on 2nd or 3rd of June. Please? But, we all don't know yet, Monday, will be a whole new schoolday.

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