Friday, July 4, 2008

The wedding dinner

Let me continue the first post with more pictures: Adina, Sharlynn, me, Cassandra, Lin Na, Kenneth and Kelvin (sorry for the late comers who aren't in this pic: Andrea, Oliver, Liz, Chloe, Zoe)

Andrea caught the flowers, she's gonna be the next one to get married!! haha, actually Ninh just GAVE it to her, sorry to leak the truth Andrea! lol

After the morning session, 6-7 hours later, we went to the night one too. Andrea, Sharlynn, Adina, Serena, Jasmine, Zoe, Lin Na, "Twinkke" jeanette's cousin, Jeanette and I sat in one table. Serena and Jasmine

Lin Na, Zoe, Andrea and Adina

Julian and Ninh walking in +
abt of Alex, haha

A SEXY picture of Zoe and Li
n Na, rawr! haha

There were these cute little what, caskets? gold ones filled with even cuter chocolate eggs!!! Lin Na was evil and only ate the MANY eggs off the people beside her--Zoe, Me and Adina, she brought the untouched casket of eggs home...grr..haha

Two drunk girls..sigh(it's coke:P)

The wedding dinner ended at 11:30 as it started at 8:00, we had a great time, great food and having fun as all girls and going crazy sometimes--er-hem Zoe er-hem Lin Na,haha

And they lived happily, ever after... Weddings are so sweet:D

Congratulations Julian+Ninh and Alex+Jemima....

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